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Combine these 3 innovative technologies and watch the end of hunger and homelessness worldwide in less than 10 years. Contour Crafting Robotics can build Monolithic homes 10-30 times faster vs. manual labor with zero waste in the construction process. Monolithic homes can then be built and sold for pennies on the dollar. Omega Growing Systems can also be built via Contour Crafting Robotics constructing 15,000 Food Sky Towers and Domes worldwide in 5 years.

Add new water sources from Greenland Water Act and 237 Mountain Cavern Plants worldwide allows humans to have their basic needs met thus allowing people to become educated via NECA’s Online Curriculum available at no charge and comes standard with every Monolithic Home sold. 3.5 Billion People in the world make less than $2.00 per day and would now qualify to finance a $2,000-$5,000 Monolithic Home with a 10 or 20-year mortgage. Welcome to the 21st Century. Watch the 40 Point Plan Movie today at www.40pointplan.com

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